Saturday, February 7, 2015

double slit experiment - wave-particle duality

I have been trying to understand "wave-particle duality" and other cases related to it. I am currently a college level student. I have few question which I am not getting answers clearly.

In double slit experiment, A particle behave like a wave, then how is "wave-particle duality" explained? I mean, If the particle behave like wave, then is it generating a wave or behaving as a wave? Is that wave going horizontally through slits(Double Slit Experiment) or vertically up and down or in which direction/axis the particle is vibrating to have a specific frequency? How does light behave as waves in it? and how does observer modify the experiment?

I may be thankful to you, If you clear my problems. I have read the theories on Wikipedia and other informational sites and tried to understand it.

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