Monday, January 9, 2017

pattern - literally no idea


What a conductor gives to an out-of-tune player?

You perform this in Spring

Sung by musical miners?

Those behind bars keeps tabs on this

Sounds something like a big colourful Spanish bird

A pretty endearing advance

Loosen your shoes

Find a French fishy ratio

A teenager causing trouble?

Scottish cooking method

Sliced in private

A little bed made of bones

A long lasting weird religion?

A cereal, relatively speaking

Exact copy of Warhammer people


  1. Start solving clues.

  2. See what the answers have in common: The more you get the more obvious it will be what connects them.

  3. When you get the connection look at the title. It will give you a hint to the final answer.

  4. Give (a) the answers to the clues and (b) the final answer, which is a well-known phrase.

Extra kudos

Once you understand the connection, it is possible to obtain some of the answers without fully understanding their clue. Extra kudos to you if you convincingly explain all the clues as well as solve them.


I think that this is a tough challenge but, knowing you puzzlers, you may prove me wrong! If it proves absolutely impossible then let me know in the comments and I'll give some extra hint(s). Take heart - Once you get any two of the clues, you will be able to see the connection and the whole thing will become much easier.

I have been a little bit evil by trying to start you off on a false trail (This is in the clues. There are no tricks in the instructions etc). Once you start to solve things you will see through my impishness and be able to ignore it.

Co-operation is welcome if puzzlers want to solve this together. I don't mind either way. Partial answers will gain up-votes and help others to give further partial answers.

I had to omit one tag because it would have given away the pattern that you are trying to find.


With much credit to the commenters, the answers are all

rearrangements of the letters ACELNOTU:

What a conductor gives to an out-of-tune player? - TONAL CUE (Gordon K)

You perform this in Spring - CLEAN OUT (Lampost42)
Sung by musical miners? - COAL TUNE
Those behind bars keeps tabs on this - ALE COUNT (Lampost42)
Sounds something like a big colourful Spanish bird - EL TOUCAN (Bailey M)
A pretty endearing advance - CUTE LOAN (Gordon K)
Loosen your shoes - TO UNLACE
Find a French fishy ratio - LOCATE NU (GentlePurpleRain)
A teenager causing trouble? - ACNE LOUT (corwin_)
Scottish cooking method - NAE CLOUT (GentlePurpleRain)
Sliced in private - CUT ALONE

A little bed made of bones - ULNAE COT
A long lasting weird religion? - AEON CULT (Gordon K)
A cereal, relatively speaking - UNCLE OAT (Gordon K)
Exact copy of Warhammer people - TAU CLONE (Gordon K)

Final Answer:

Literally no idea - NOT A CLUE (Gordon K)


TONAL CUE: a cue is an instruction or hint, and tonal refers to pitch (or tone; being in tune).
CLEAN OUT: Spring cleaning
COAL TUNE: Miners mine coal, and a tune is a melody, or song.
ALE COUNT: Bartenders (behind bars) keep a tab (count) how many beers (ales) patrons consume.
EL TOUCAN: A toucan is a colorful bird, and el is the Spanish masculine "the".
CUTE LOAN: An advance is another word for a loan, and endearing is a synonym for cute.
TO UNLACE: Shoes are often secured with laces.
LOCATE NU: Poisson's ratio is denoted with the Greek letter nu, and poisson is French for fish.
ACNE LOUT: Teenagers often have acne, and a lout is an ill-mannered, troublemaking person.

NAE CLOUT: In Scotland, dumplings are often cooked in the modern way without cloth, or in Scots, nae clout.
CUT ALONE: Cut means slice, and something done in private is done alone.
ULNAE COT: Ulnae is the plural of ulna, one of the bones of the forearm, and a cot is a small bed.
AEON CULT: Aeon is an alternate spelling of eon, which is a very long time, and a weird religion is a cult.
UNCLE OAT: Oats are a cereal grain, and if one is your uncle, he is a relative!
TAU CLONE: A clone is an exact copy, and in the Warhammer universe, there is a race known as the Tau.

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