Saturday, February 10, 2018

chess - Checkmate all the kings #3

Following the rules created by Lord of dark in this puzzle, and used here also, the idea is to find the minimum number of consecutive white moves to checkmate all the black kings (in this case 12). You cannot make a move that would put white in check.

enter image description here

Here's an interactive board.


  • You are playing as White and you can make as many moves as you want before Black's turn.

  • During your moves you can take any black piece except kings.

  • During your moves your king can not be in check position.

  • At the end of your turn all the black kings must be check mate : if Black can make one move that ends with one king being safe, you don't win. Note that this one move can't be a king moving to a threatened position.

  • One piece can be used in multiple checkmates (you don't have to take all the king, just to checkmate them)


Thirteen moves:

  1. d x c8

  2. c x d8

  3. h x g8

  4. g x h8

  5. Q x b6

  6. Qc x c5

  7. Q x c4

  8. Q x c1

  9. Qc x b2

  10. Qg2

  11. Qg x b7

  12. Qh3

  13. Qh x b3

Here's an animated GIF of the solution. (Assume all promoted pawns become queens, since I couldn't figure out how to convert them automatically using this particular chess software.)

Thirteen-move supermate gif

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