In this puzzle I took an English phrase, spaced it differently, then replaced the resulting words with synonyms or definitions. This is an example to show you what I mean.
Spaced out and obfuscated:
that man tape player button self-esteem
Just spaced out:
he (from "that man")
rew (from "tape player button")
ego (from "self-esteem")
he rew ego −> here we go
Got it? Then all you have to do is apply the same process to the following:
definite article anime first child mucus coffee container within Scot. Eng. Wal. TCP/IP reply
The answer is
There is no turning back.
definite article = the
anime first child = rei
mucus = snot
coffee container = urn
within = in
Scot. Eng. Wal. = GB
TCP/IP reply = ACK
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