Thursday, February 8, 2018

Doubts regarding dimension of a system:Definitions and algorithms

I need to do phase reconstruction from time series data. In doing so, I encountered Takens' embedding theorem and Cao's minimum embedding dimension d by nearest neighbor method. In paper "Optimal Embeddings of Chaotic Attractors from Topological Considerations" by Liebert et al., 1991, says that minimum embedding dimension for reconstruction should be less than 2m+1. This confused me since I am aware of Whitney's embedding dimension which stated d=2m where m is the fractal dimension. Then there is Kennel's method of false nearest neighbor. Can somebody please explain to me:

  1. What are the techniques for calculating embedding dimension?

  2. Difference between embedding dimension and correlation dimension?

  3. What is the technique of proving that a system has finite dimensionality after the signal passes through a filter?

  4. Can somebody tell me what is the formula for embedding dimension

    • should it be Cao's method or Kennel's false nearest neighbor method.

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