Wednesday, February 14, 2018

word - No shovels, please!

$ \color{red}E $
Second time skimming through
Beatles residence
Sandwich way

What do these clues point to? Looking for a single word answer.

This puzzle is a hint for Ah, the old SE puzzlearoo!


Building on previous answers, I think the answer may be


$ \color{red}E $

Red E, italicized $\rightarrow$ Red E, it $\rightarrow$ Reddit

Second time skimming through

"Read it" (past tense) sounds like Reddit.

Beatles residence

As others have said, Yellow submarine $\rightarrow$ sub.
A subreddit is a forum dedicated to a specific topic

Sandwich way

As others have said, Subway


The website Digg is a news aggregator with a curated front page and a competitor of Reddit.

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