Thursday, February 15, 2018

mathematics - Dissect a square into 3:1 rectangles

I am being known for Geometrical and Topological Puzzles, So continuing with the trend here is another one.

Completely dissect a square into the lowest number of different sized rectangles with integer edges and a length to width ratio of 3 to 1.


Since people are having a hard time. I will add the solution here. Let your pointer do the work.

enter image description here


Here's the best I found so far with a square size of 96 as given by the image posted by OP as a solution. Twelve rectangles. To prove it is the smallest requires logic rather than my brute-force computer approach, since without some logical deductions I would have to search arbitrarily large squares with a huge list of sets of 11 or fewer rectangles which have the correct area. If the posted image which appeared to be a plain white square gave the answer then this is either superfluous or not optimal.

NB the smallest rectangle which is tiny has a '1' in it which divides it two neatly, don't mistake it for two small rectangles...

enter image description here

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