Thursday, February 22, 2018

word - Have You Heard My New Riddle?

A stirrup I own that no stallion can wear.
I am not a smith though an anvil I bear.
My hammer? No Middle Earth dwarf gives a care.

With diamonds or pearls adorned may I be.
The heart of my heart holds the truth secretly.

In truth rearranged are my letters, you see.

The answer is a single English word.


The answer is:


A stirrup I own that no stallion can wear.

A stirrup is the name of a bone in the ear. Stapes.

I am not a smith though an anvil I bear.

Anvil is another bone. Incus.

My hammer? No Middle Earth dwarf gives a care.

The other bone. Malleus.

With diamonds or pearls adorned may I be.

Earrings/studs etc

The heart of my heart holds the truth secretly.

The middle (heart) of the word heart is ear.

In truth rearranged are my letters, you see.

Are is an anagram of ear.

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