Friday, February 9, 2018

puzzle creation - Burning ropes as timers - How many time intervals can be measured?

Note: This is a follow-up question to Burning ropes as timers. The following question and its answers may contain spoilers.

To sum up the puzzle, these are the rules (slightly modified):

  • You have some number N of ropes, each with the following property.

  • When you light one end of a rope, the fire will reach the other end after exactly one hour.

  • You start the puzzle by lighting one or more ends of the ropes.

  • You may light or extinguish any end of a rope after that.

  • You can only light or extinguish a rope once another rope has completely burned out.

  • You may only light the end of a rope, since lighting anywhere else is inaccurate.

  • You may not organize the ropes so that they light each other or themselves.

  • You must accurately measure some interval of time, between any two distinct times.

The question is, how many intervals of time (excluding 0) is it possible to measure with N ropes?

For example, when N = 1, the answer is 2.

  • 1 hour (by burning the length of the rope)

  • 1/2 hour (by lighting both ends of the rope at once)

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