I'm studying an example of the Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation in Altland and Simons' Condensed Matter Field Theory (2nd ed.), pp. 246-247.
In it they say that...
one is frequently confronted with situations where more than one Hubbard-Stratonovich field is needed to capture the full physics of the problem. To appreciate this point, consider the Coulomb interaction in momentum space. Sint[ˉψ,ψ]=12∑p1,...,p4ˉψσ,p1ˉψσ′,p3V(p1−p2)ψσ′,p4ψσ,p2δp1−p2+p3−p4.
In principle, we can decouple this interaction in any of the three channels...
discussed in the previous page. If one chooses to decouple in all three channels then the action becomes ...
where the first term is decoupled via the
direct channel ρd,q∼∑pˉψσ,pψσ,p+q, second in the exchange channel ρx,σσ′,q∼∑pˉψσ,pψσ′,p+q, and third in the Cooper channel ρc,σσ′,q∼∑pˉψσ,pˉψσ′,−p+q.
It's generally a good strategy to decouple in all available channels when one is in doubt, then let the mean-field analysis sort out the relevant fields.
My question is, if we choose to decouple the quartic term via 3 different channels (for example) is it necessary to multiply the resulting terms by a factor of 13? This isn't discussed in the textbook and I'm confused by the liberal use of ∼ and ≃ in the examples.
No. You should not add a factor of 1/3. As you can see in page 244 of Altland and Simons, the HS transformation is done by multiplying by a unity expressed as a functional integral over an auxiliary field. In this case, they just choose to introduce 3 different fields - 1 for each term.
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