Monday, March 26, 2018

calculation puzzle - Fuzzy the Fuzzball

Fuzzy the fuzzball was very sad.
He had lost his fuzz.
Everyone knew if you lost your Fuzz you could no longer be a fuzzball.

Fuzzy went to this friend Frizzy and shared his dilemma.
"Don't worry, Fuzzy," Frizzy said. "You can buy new fuzz in the FuzzyFuzz store."

Fuzzy went to the FuzzyFuzz store and asked to buy Fuzz.
"How much Fuzz do you need?" the clerk asked.
"Enough to make me fuzzy," Fuzzy said. "I'm a perfect sphere, 2.3456" in diameter."

"We sell three types of Fuzz," said the clerk. "Spartan fuzz is $2.34 per cm². Standard fuzz is $3.45 per cm². Super Fuzz is $4.56 per cm²."

"Ok," said Fuzzy. "I have $543.21. I will spend up to 67% of my money to buy the best Fuzz I can afford. I sure hope I can afford to become Super Fuzzy!"

How fuzzy is Fuzzy the fuzzball after his purchase?


So Fuzzy's total surface area is



we multiply that by 2.542 to get cm.

We now find 67% of 543.21


Now we divide the money into parts. How many cm2 total for each?

Super: 79.91375 cm2 for $363.9507
Regular: 105.49
Spartan: 155.53


since only one of them is obviously greater, we can say he can be completely covered in Spartan Fuzz.

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