Wednesday, March 14, 2018

riddle - The most dangerous game

Hello again, remember me?

It's been a while, certainly

I've not been round for quite some time,

But now I have another rhyme

In my normal style, I have a word

It's in 3 parts, but rest assured.

It should be easier than my last

So do your best to solve it fast

When last we met, you went on a quest, just after breakfasttime.

A suffix you were seeking, but it is not mine.

You did not find your treasure, but there is time enough.

Sit down, take a rest, this one won't be as tough.

My prefix you use nearly every day,

But if you are from England, you say it in this way.

Just take care to do it privately,

That's not something we all want to see.

If you feel like resting, we have some games to play.

Oh, maybe not that one, It might just ruin your day.

Not that you'd be bad, it's just rather hard

You'll probably die so much, you'll forever be scarred

If you kill some stuff and ring some bells, you will get to see..

The fortress of my infix, full of treachery.

If that game's too tough, then that's okay, you won't be far behind.

My infix doesn't matter much, it's just a lucky find

I should note, the best part of that game is the jolly cooperation,

But you won't get much of that without my suffix in your station.

With all that gaming, you must be hungry. You should make some dinner

Just don't try to eat me, or you won't be a winner.

You have a lot to think about, and two puzzles to try.

If you find this one out, then tell me. What am I?


Let's see if I can make some progress here...are you


My prefix you use nearly every day,
But if you are from England, you say it in this way.
Just take care to do it privately,
That's not something we all want to see.

This is your rear end, or in England, your ARSE

If you feel like resting, we have some games to play.
Oh, maybe not that one, It might just ruin your day.

Not that you'd be bad, it's just rather hard
You'll probably die so much, you'll forever be scarred

This sounds like Dank Dark Souls, full credit to @Elpharya for recognizing this reference. Thanks, from one El to another!

If you kill some stuff and ring some bells, you will get to see..
The fortress of my infix, full of treachery.
If that game's too tough, then that's okay, you won't be far behind.
My infix doesn't matter much, it's just a lucky find

This refers to the fortress of SEN, according to @Elpharya.

I should note, the best part of that game is the jolly cooperation,
But you won't get much of that without my suffix in your station.

You need some integrated circuits, or ICs, in your station. From @Cubemaster, you also need a Network Interface Card, or NIC. Thanks!!

With all that gaming, you must be hungry. You should make some dinner
Just don't try to eat me, or you won't be a winner.

Unlike LOOSENERs, ARSENIC is actually truly bad for you.

You have a lot to think about, and two puzzles to try.
If you find this one out, then tell me. What am I?

Hopefully ARSENIC!

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