Tuesday, March 20, 2018

resource recommendations - Video lectures on graduate level Classical Electrodynamics

This is a rather broad question. Does anyone know of good video lectures for graduate level classical electrodynamics?


My understanding of Graduate Level is an overlap between JD Jackson's Classical electrodynamics, Landau's Electrodynamics of continuous media and Landau's Classical Theory of fields. Unfortunately, there isnt much video material out there, which is justifiable because there is no great pedagogical need here. If you understand Griffith's level electrodynamics the Jackson's book is an advanced methods to solve sophisticated problems book. Which is best learnt by doing problems.

ALthough I am not greatly impressed, this is a set of video lectures that treats Landau and Jackson as textbooks.


It might be worthwhile to have a look at Leonard Susskind's lecture on classical electrodynamics and classical theory of fields in the special relativity module.


If you're looking for companion notes, then these lecture slides would help you a lot more specifically with understanding the material presented in Jackson, I found it really helpful.


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