Wednesday, March 28, 2018

riddle - The Adventure of Jack #1

Jack's adventure starts at the top left of the table,

Hey, Vietnamese money should be removed!

So he adventures along to Rome, stopping for 50 minutes.

And suddenly he's back at the corner of the table!

So Jack carefully adds 1 minute to his timer,

And is transported to a new location!

What country is Jack in?


From this statement, you will get a city, then find in which country that city is in.

Hint 2:

In the clue "So Jack carefully adds one minute to his timer," you are adding multiple letters to what you already have.

Hint 3:

The word ONE is what you are adding to Jack's timer.

I better not have to give you any more clues!



The top left (as corrected) of the periodic table is HYDROGEN.

Hey, Vietnamese money should be removed!

remove HEY (hey!) and DONG (Vietnamese money) to get R

So he adventures along to Rome, stopping for 50 minutes.

The Roman 50 is L, so adding that gives RL

And suddenly he's back at the corner of the table!

As per @Jafe, back (reverse) to the periodic table, LR (lawrencium)
(though is it really a corner?)

So Jack carefully adds 1 minute to his timer

per hint 3, add ONE giving LRONE, or perhaps LORNE, which is a seaside village in Victoria Australia.

So Jack is in


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