Friday, March 16, 2018

cipher - The impossible door!

You are standing at the door to a lost temple in Georgia (the former Soviet Republic). You are an expert in lock picking, but there is no keyhole. You then realise that there is a word that will open the door. You tell your friend, who then gives you a piece of paper. "I think the word is on here, but I've got no idea what it means". Looking at it, you think the same. The paper shows this: {255-36}, {255-32}, {36}, {30} | {255-36}, {255-32}, {36}, {31} | {255-36}, {255-32}, {36}, {32} | {255-36}, {255-32}, {35}, {34} What does the paper mean in English?

Hint One

There are three sets of computer codes involved in working this particular puzzle out. That makes the puzzle even more difficult, so I will tell you one of the codes. The third layer of encryption is what a USB Keyboard sends to a computer when a keyboard is pressed.

Hint Two

Prem's answer results in the word "Ghia". That is not actually a word, but a pronunciation. Just apply a bit of logic (and Google Translate), and you should have the word!


So there seems to be 4 letters in the password, and the common prefix is {255-36} & {255-32}.

Now, the suffixes (2 per letter) , when converted to key presses, give 7,1 & 7,2 & 7,3 & 6,5. [[ REFER ]]
Probably this means 4 letters 71 , 72 , 73 , 65.

Now many encodings ( Windows-1252/ASCII/UTF/ISO-8859-1 ) all give give 71=G , 72=H , 73=I , 65=A.
[[ OP said unicode is not involved ]]

Common prefix {255-36} & {255-32} , + GHIA.

Is this related to car maker GHIA ?
Is this related to "georghia" ?

still thinking . . . .

With the new clues by OP Kslkgh (and the partial answer by Michael Bradfield):
Georgian word "ღია" (pronounced ghia) means OPEN.
So we have 3 possible end-solutions:

I see that the question mentions "What does the paper mean in English?". So the English translation is most appropriate.
So, the answer must be "OPEN", a command to the DOOR.

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