Wednesday, March 21, 2018

riddle - The shrink and his patient (Part 2)

If you missed the first part, here it is.

Harold reached home the faster he could. Quick, to the baby's bed. "No, no, no, it can be true!". He searched the whole house but he could not find the baby or his wife. Instead, in Anne's bed, he found a piece of paper similar to the one in his office. This time, the text was different:

Do not worry, Mr. Smith : your wife and your baby are safe. Eventually, you will meet them again, but first, let me tell you a little story. Remember that we both enjoy puzzles, and I am counting on you for this one too!

A long time ago, a famous group of seven men was created, but I can't remember the name of this group or the name of its folks.

Three of these men didn't have a particular backstory, all I can say is that they were from India. Also, one of them joined the group later. Maybe the flag will help you, shrink:

                                                enter image description here

Two of them were brothers. They were often mixed up, and some people are still not sure if the older one really was a part of the group (he also joined later). The younger one was known as extravagant and a bit individualist. It's funny, because their names, though different, had the same origin.

One of them liked to disclose his identity like this:

Some see me spontaneous or jealous
But others find me happy and glorious
Of course, glorious! I'm associated with gold
And like my comrades, I'm certainly old
They even made a video game
Popular enough to wear my name
You might struggle to guess who my mates are
But for me, it's simple: I'm like a star!

You think I forgot to talk about the last one? I don't think so, Mr. Smith. You need to read carefully, as always.

So, Mr. Smith, can you find the name of the members, and the name of the group? If you do so, then find me at the eponymous restaurant. Your wife and your baby are waiting for you.

"God dammit, another puzzle", thought Harold. He was relieved to know that Sandra and Anne were safe, even if he wasn't sure if he could trust this piece of paper. He tried to remember all the names of the restaurants in town, but there were too many. "I'd better solve it fast", he said.
He got the first six members easily, but the last one was tricky. Finding the name of the group was easy once he got all of them. After he solved it, he promptly left to the indicated place.

What is the name of the restaurant where Harold is going?


The seven men are

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.

The first three (that come from India) are

Orange, Green, and Blue. These are the three colors shown in the flag. Also, orange was "added" to the rainbow late (Newton's original spectrum did not include orange and indigo).

The two brothers are

Indigo and violet. These colors are tougher to distinguish, and people may get them mixed up. Indigo was added to the spectrum later (mentioned above). Their names both come from flowers (see here for indigo and here for violet).

The man in the poem is

Yellow. Yellow is often associated with jealousy, and is the color of gold. Pokemon Yellow was a popular video game. Stars are often considered yellow.

The last man is

Red. Take the letters of the first paragraph of the note, and you get the letters D (Don't), E (Eventually) and R (Remember).

The group is

the Rainbow

and the restaurant is

The Rainbow Room at 30 Rock (part 1 referenced that he was in Manhattan.)

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