Sunday, September 30, 2018

big bang - Could Hyper-Massive Black Holes be due to Dark Matter in the Early Universe?

An interesting discussion started here: Is there a limit as to how fast a black hole can grow?

I am curious if Thompson Scattering and Eddington Luminosity have the same effect on Dark Matter (or alternatively, weakly-interacting massive particles) as they do with purely ionized hydrogen and other (known) particles that radiate (or can radiate due to decay, energy, friction, etc..).

Additionally, given dark matter's W.I.M.P.-like nature, would it not be possible that in the early universe where dark matter is believed to have materialized parallel to normal and anti-matter, and given its gravitational properties, could dark matter have contributed to the universe's earliest (and largest) black holes, and in turn explain black holes being larger than previously thought possible in a 13.7~ Billion Year history?

The properties of Dark Matter would render it virtually unaffected by the velocity and motion of the accretion disk. Since we are not yet sure if dark matter has a charge, it may also be unaffected by the black hole's electromagnetic field. It just pours into the event horizon virtually unhindered.

I do not expect an authoritative answer, as the only person who could provide such an answer would have earned a nobel prize already for dark matter's discovery (and thus be far too important to answer such a question), but a hypothetical answer based on what we do know about dark matter would be sufficient.

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