Monday, September 17, 2018

condensed matter - Resource recommendation for fractional statistics

A gentle yet comprehensive introduction to the concept of abelian and non-abelian statistics will be much appreciated.



  • According to wikipedia, quasiparticles whose statistics range between Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics are called anyons; these particles may only exist in two dimensions. These particles obey fractional statistics, so called because they have fractional spin; see Frank Wilczek's Quantum Mechanics of Fractional-Spin Particles where he also coins the term anyon.

  • In the same vein, see Jon Magne Leinaas and Jan Myrheim's paper On the Theory of Identical Particles where they showed quasiparticles can indeed be observed in two dimensions.



  • Fractional Statistics and Quantum Theory (book) by Avinash Khare covers, as the title indicates, anyons and their statistics. The copyright is 1997, so it won't talk much about the applications of anyons to quantum computing; however, it covers pretty much every topic related to abelian/non-abelian statistics as far as I can tell, so if you're willing to pay money (the Google Books sample is decent, but doesn't include every page, obviously) this is probably your best bet. If you do decide this is what you want, the hardcover copy on Amazon is $25, so not too bad compared to a lot of technical books. Mathematical Reviews said

    The overall style is clear and pedagogical, with emphasis on symmetry and simplicity.

  • If you wish to read about the construction of quantum computation theory using anyons, the paper Topological quantum computation will be of use.

  • A set of lectures transcribed into a paper on arXiv called Introduction to abelian and non-abelian anyons can be found, and they appear to cover all topics of interest.

  • A powerpoint for a talk on Fractional Quantum Statistics also appears to cover everything of interest, though as a powerpoint it may not describe everything in complete detail.

I'll add more papers/books/resources as I find them. Hope these help!

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