Wednesday, September 26, 2018

enigmatic puzzle - Prevent a Terror Attack

Agents of P.U.Z.Z.L.E. (Part-time United Zippy Zealots Loving Enigmas), we need your help.

Terrorists are planning an attack on an underground railway station. One of our undercover agents placed an SD card in one of our dead letter boxes, which is supposed to reveal the target of the attack.

SD card

The SD card contained these three images:

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

Your task as part of our analytics department is to find out, which undergound railway station was chosen as the target for an attack.


Remember the topic of the challenge, the "visual" part doesn't end with the three images.


The second image is from Wikimedia Commons.


The attack is going to be at the

Spittelmarkt station.

There are several hints pointing to one thing:

Name of the folder is an anagram of ZODIAC.
The image names all begin with "CNC", "Cancer".
22/06, the modified date of all images, is the day the Cancer sign begins.
In the background of all images, there is a faint but distinguishable Cancer symbol (see Khale_Kitha's answer).

So, what if we...

Overlay the Cancer constellation on top of the Berlin map?

Cancer constellation

We already have 4 points, the box and the three landmarks, and the constellation has 5 stars. If we put 4 stars on top of the points we already have, the fifth star should point to where the attack will be: enter image description here

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