Friday, October 4, 2019

calculation puzzle - Who gets more money?

There are two people eating bread. One of them has 5 loaves of bread; the other one has 3. They invited a third person to eat with them. They ate all 8 loaves of bread, and out of appreciation he gave them 8 cents.

How should they divide the money to be fair?


They should

not divide it 5:3, as you might think, but rather 7:1.

The reason being

Although the first person provided 5 loaves and the second person 3, they each also ate some of their own loaves. If we assume they each ate an equal amount, then they each ate 8/3. So, the first person really provided 5 - 8/3 = 7/3, and the second person provided just 3 - 8/3 = 1/3. So, out of the 8 cents the third person gave, the first person should get 7 cents, and the second person 1.

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