Thursday, November 14, 2019

riddle - Do you know who I'm talking about?

My prefix contains a dangerous drug, it messes with your mind.

But next to things like heroin, this one's rather kind.

In fact, it is accepted, its hazards oft ignored

It's there to pick you up if you should become bored.

My infix is good at what it does, some might say a pro.

I'd bet Without using it once, a day you couldn't go.

It's one of the more social words, scarcely used alone.

Both the speaker and the spoken have company of their own.

Next up is the ultimate weapon, in more than one way.

Unlike a sword, its power grows with each and every day.

Put down the weights, you can't wield this with sheer brute force and might.

For it is the very definition of power, revealed within the light.

Once you have it, chop it in half, you need some help to wield it

It takes millions to cultivate, alone you are unfit

Your half is important, and equally as grand.

For now you are holding my suffix in your hand

You now have all three parts, and the hero is revealed

Yes, it is a name, behind this riddle sealed.

This one might be tricky, but do give it a try.

And if you think you've figured it out, then tell me: Who am I?


It's been quite some time since I gave you this rhyme

No progress been made, and I'm not surprised

This one was a difficult riddle to write

And to solve, but be sure, the end is in sight.

First up for the prefix, a clue to help you out

The drug that it contains is sprinkled all throughout

The marketplace today, in pills, drinks and bars

but my prefix delivers the most of it by far.

My infix is a letter, but also a word

the usage of which should not be ignored.

Commonly used in casual conversation

To try not to speak it would lead to frustration

My suffix, half the weapon of ultimate might,

To be up against it would be quite a fright.

You may have your guns but still you will cower

When it's used right, my suffix is power.

You have more to go on, a path to go down.

I'd advise you to take a quick look around.

Things are often connected, with quite a common theme.

It might help you out, if you know what I mean.


I know!!!




Joe like coffee


You for "u"


Know for knowledge

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