Monday, December 4, 2017

newtonian mechanics - Is rotational motion relative to space?

Let's assume that there is nothing in the universe except Earth. If the Earth rotates on its axis as it does, then would we experience the effects of rotational motion like centrifugal force and Coriolis force?

The meaning of my question is: is Earth rotating relative to space?


The same Wikipedia article everyone else is citing is a decent reference on this. Basically, we don't know, and probably never will, because we can't put an object in an otherwise empty universe.

Suppose you could, though. So we've got a planet in an otherwise empty universe. To test the hypothesis of absolute rotation, you could do various experiments on the planet's surface to measure the fictitious forces arising from being in a rotating reference frame. For example, you could set up Foucault's pendulum at various locations on the planet and measure the precession rate at each location. (I think you'd need at least 3 locations) From those results you could determine the planet's rotation axis and rotational velocity.

The Newtonian viewpoint holds that yes, rotation is relative to space. If this view is correct, and the isolated planet were rotating relative to space, you would see your pendulums (pendula?) precessing at a nonzero rate, and you could solve for the planet's rotational velocity.

On the other hand, the Einstein/Mach viewpoint holds that rotation is not relative to space, but rather is defined relative to the matter in the universe. If this viewpoint is correct, you would never see any precession of the pendulums because the bulk of the matter in this experimental universe is the planet itself, so it basically defines the frame of zero rotation. In our universe, of course, there is a much larger distribution of matter to define a nonrotating rotational reference frame. Mathematically, this results from a phenomenon in GR known as frame dragging.

The Newtonian/absolute view has the advantage of being kind of intuitive, but it does require that space defines some sort of absolute rotational reference frame. Given that we know all linear motion is relative, it seems odd (to me, and others) that rotational motion could be absolute. In addition, if rotation could be absolute, for any nonzero rotational velocity, a large enough distribution of matter in the universe would require the outer objects to be moving at the speed of light relative to a nonrotating reference frame. This could conceivably be allowed, it would just mean that no matter could be boosted into that nonrotating reference frame, but again, it seems odd. The Einstein/Mach view has the advantage that it makes this "faster-than-light rotation" extremely unlikely as a consequence of the structure of the theory alone.

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