Saturday, May 5, 2018

mystery - The SErial Killer's killer

On the warm and windy night of November 12, Joe was coming back home. He ordered pizza from the car, to be delivered at 8 PM. Once he got back, he realized that one of his windows was slightly ajar. He concluded that he just left it open for ventilation.

Once he got to the front door, he taped a note for the pizza guy that would arrive shortly. As he unlocked his door and walked into the house, a loud crash came from the basement. He thought that the cat somehow got locked in and was trying to escape. He walked over to the door and turned the handle. As soon as the door creaked open, he fell over, dead. The unknown assassin walked over to him and watched him bleed out. The last thing Joe saw was a masked and gloved man standing over him, laughing as the last of Joe's life left him...

Later on, Doorknob arrived with Joe's pizza. As Doorknob walked towards the house, he saw a note on the door saying, "Come in, I'm in the dining hall. Second door to the left." He went into the house. After he walked past the first door, all the lights went out, except for one. As Doorknob walked into the dining room, he saw the only light on. That light was pointed right onto the table, where Joe's body was.

Doorknob couldn't believe his own eyes. He went to go investigate the body, and saw three things:

  1. A tattoo on his chest saying: "An eye for an eye. Is it not?"

  2. A single bullet

  3. A loaded pistol with something carved into the side.

Shocked and horrified, Doorknob ran out of the house and to the police. He reported the crime.

The next morning, Doorknob was certain of where the murderer came from. He only needed to find who did it. After a bit of searching, he discovered the murderer and apprehended him.

Who was the murderer?

Bonus: What's carved into the side of the gun?

Hints Revealed (for the weak):

1. This is about AskUbuntu

2. The Joe is the same Joe that posted the above question.
3. Treat everything in this post as a hint.
4. A certain pokemon is not to be blamed here.
5. Actual detective work is needed for this puzzle.
6. The killer had plenty of time to prepare.
7. Doorknob is irrelevant.
8. While AskUbuntu was murdered, something else survived...
9. You may assume that everything in the hints are true.
10. (Gun-Related) The gun has a logo etched into it..


The murderer is:


Exhibit A:

What Waaaaaat said

Exhibit B:

What Rpi replied

I feel like this is not the evidence I was meant to find though. My detailed report:

As I pondered the clues laid out before me, my admiration for Doorknob continued to swell. A bit of searching was all he needed?! I made a list of open questions: Why was the window ajar? What was the loud crash? Why did the lights go out? How did the killer find time to give him that tattoo before the pizza guy showed up? I dreamed up some answers, and started to get inside the mind of the killer. I shifted my thoughts to what I knew about him. He's a man. He's smart enough to wear a mask and gloves. He's a bit dramatic. And he knows how to give tattoos... Aha! Something to make his stand out from the crowd! I headed over to AskUbuntu and searched the user profiles for a tattoo artist. But my search was in vain. I found only SkyDivingPanda, whose low rep made me doubt he would have the passion and connections to commit this crime, and Wahyaohni, whose website you should definitely not click on. Still "tattoo" was the only foothold I could find in the narrative, so I pressed on. I started searching the chat logs. And I found this:

Exhibit C

Waaaaaat's suspiciously timed tattoo reference

The report continues:

Almost enough to put Waaaaaat behind bars, but given the very short tattoo timeframe, I couldn't take a chance that the judge would rule that circumstantial. I dug deeper into the chat logs. In Ask Ubuntu General, I found Seth being thanked for his "help", and he joined my suspect list. There was much discussion about a secret chat that may or may not have existed, and I feared that secret room, deleted by Seth, might have been the only real trail. I searched and searched for a careless one-boxed link. But I came up empty. Suddenly, I noticed that Waaaaaat had name-dropped the Teachers' Lounge! Off I went to find it, and what I found... made me feel like a noob. Another dead end. "I need to clear my mind", I thought, and went to do some dishes. I was back in seconds, my dishes still unwashed. I could search the chat logs for other suspicious words, like "killer"! And there I found it, the name of the true culprit, and his own cold agreement to do the deed.

Carved into the handle of the gun:

The Ask Ubuntu logo. Or maybe the Ubuntu logo.

I just don't know why there are so many bullets!

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