Thursday, October 11, 2018

black holes - Spaceship split near event horizon

Lets say there's two astronauts, Alice and Bob, going on a space trip to a super-massive black hole. So large that they wouldn't notice any significant spaghettification forces at the event horizon. Alice is sitting on the left, and Bob on the right.

They go so close to the event horizon, that Bob enters the event horizon, but Alice does not. The event horizon is splitting the spaceship. Alice's side of the spaceship is travelling at a velocity greater than the escape velocity of the black hole, so presumably will escape it's fate.

What do Alice and Bob see? Bob is apparently doomed, but Alice should be able to survive, but it seems like she has to tear the spaceship apart. And what do they see? Does Alice just see Bob moving closer and closer to the event horizon but never crossing it, whereas Bob sees Alice moving further and further away from him until he crosses the even horizon and she disappears?

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