Wednesday, August 7, 2019

newtonian mechanics - Anti-gravity in an infinite lattice of point masses

Another interesting infinite lattice problem I found while watching a physics documentary.

Imagine an infinite square lattice of point masses, subject to gravity. The masses involved are all $m$ and the length of each square of the lattice is $l$.

Due to the symmetries of the problem the system should be in (unstable) balance.

What happens if a mass is removed to the system? Intuition says that the other masses would be repelled by the hole in a sort of "anti-gravity".

  • Is my intuition correct?

  • Is it possible to derive analytically a formula for this apparent repulsion force?

  • If so, is the "anti-gravity" force expressed by $F=-\frac{Gm^2}{r^2}$, where $r$ is the radial distance of a point mass from the hole?


as of 2017/02 the Video is here (start at 13min):


I think that your initial intutiion is right--before the point particle is removed, you had (an infinite set of) two $\frac{G\,m\,m}{r^{2}}$ forces balancing each other, and then you remove one of them in one element of the set. So initially, every point particle will feel a force of $\frac{G\,m\,m}{r^{2}}$ away from the hole, where $r$ is the distance to the hole. An instant after that, however, all of the particles will move, and in fact, will move in such a way that the particles closest to the hole will be closer together than the particles farther from the hole. The consequence is that the particles would start to clump in a complicated way (that I would expect to depend on the initial spacing, since that determines how much initial potential energy density there is in the system)

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