Wednesday, July 18, 2018

pattern - What is a Refreshing Word™?

If a word conforms to a special rule, I call it a Refreshing Word™.

Use the following examples below to find the rule.

Image version

And here is a CSV version:

Hungrier, Hungriest
Refreshing, Reforming
Noon, Undeniable
Unsung, Poop
Deadly, Deathly

Barbie, Nincompoop

Before you ask, it's not the fact that all the Refreshing Words™ have a pair of letters that are 2 characters apart; that was just there to throw you off. Think inside the box.


An Unrefreshing Word

Is one that contains, potentially anagrammed, a verb describing an action pertaining to bodily fluids


Hungriest -> Shit, Reforming -> Gore, Undeniable->Bleed, Poop->Poop, Deathly->Eat, Nincompoop->Poop

A Refreshing Word, is then any word that is not Unrefeshing

A big thank you to Maria Deleva in the chat, coming up with Hungriest and Undeniable.

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