Thursday, July 19, 2018

quantum mechanics - What counts as "observation" in Schrödinger's Cat, and why are superpositions possible?

So if I understood correctly, Schrödinger's Cat is a thought experiment that puts a cat inside a box, and there's a mechanism that kills the cat with 50% probability based on a quantum process. The argument is that the cat now must be in a superposition of dead and alive.

This makes sense at first, but the state of the cat inside the box will affect the outside world in an observable way, right? For example if the cat dies, it might meow loudly which would be audible. If it didn't meow, it would produce a thud on the ground when it dies. And even if the ground was very solid, the redistribution of mass inside the box will affects its gravity field which means the whole universe theoretically immediately observe's the cat's death.

So extending this argument to all superpositions, the different states would cause different effects on the rest of the universe, usually a slight change in the gravity field is the minimum. This gravity perturbation would propagate throughout the universe, and even all the experimenters go to sleep with thick, thick earplugs, somebody or something in the universe is going to inadvertently observe the event and the superposition immediately collapses. Thus superpositions cannot exist beyond an extremely short amount of time.

What's wrong with my reasoning?


What's wrong with my reasoning?

Nothing! In fact you have more or less described decoherence. The idea is that any system inevitably interacts with its environment, and the more degrees of freedom the system has, i.e. the more complex it is, the faster it will interact with the rest of the universe and the superposed states will decohere.

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