Thursday, July 19, 2018

riddle - Four Directions #11 - Where and what am I?

To the North: Is a place where conflict has yet to die

To the East: Is a place where the dead can be a marker

To the West: Is a place where its Fort and its pass is Key

To the South: Is a place for a pearl

And there I lie with a stone of black among the tranquil gardens


To the west: My key is to a plateau

Hint 2:

Here is where the fire consumed me to ash

Previous: Four Directions #10


I think I got it ! I know I'm late to the party... Still :

I agree with @Jafe, @Flying_whale and @AHKieran, see their answers for the Four Directions solutions.

I think you are

Mahatma Gandhi, resting in the Raj Ghat where a black marble platform marks the spot of Mahatma Gandhi's cremation.

This is my first time answering here, but here's hoping to start something great !

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