Wednesday, July 25, 2018

word - Clue Web #2 - A Barrel of Fun

Tried one of these yeserday and it went pretty well (for the most part) so here's another clue web!

Clue Web

How it works:

You get 4 clues for each of the outer labels (A1, A2, etc.) on the web.

You solve those clues to fill in the outer labels with the answers.

You then use those answers as clues to solve the inner web (A, B, C, D).

And finally, you use those answers as clues to solve the centre answer (X).

Once you have all of the answers you submit them as:

A1, Pie

A2, Cake

A3, Come

A3, Go

A, Easy


If you struggle with any of the labels in the web, then try leaving it 'til last. If you can't get D, you may still be able to get 'X' and then you'll have one more clue to help you.

Here are the clues to each outer label!

A1, Bank, Sweet, Bed, On

A2, Light, Fish, Super, Chart

A3, Flower, Head, Bug, Water

A4, Hat, Swallow, Knocks, Up

B1, Maker, Strike, Perfect, Stick

B2, Fun, Riot, Rampant, Ragged

B3, Over, Down, Free, Flat

B4, Mouth, Phone, Cookie, Street

C1, Fit, Old, Crow, Foot

C2, Brass, Tip, Tail, Notch

C3, Hound, Hair, Area, Matter

C4, Pound, Effect, Wave, Board

D1, Sell, Mine, Paid, Writer

D2, Fine, Class, Work, State

D3, Desk, Seat, Stuff, Rod

D4, Back, Nerve, Grudge, Breath

Good luck! :)


Missing C1 only...

A1, Bank, Sweet, Bed, On

Roll (bankroll, sweetroll, bedroll, roll-on [deodorant] or to roll on Friday / roll on 5pm...)

A2, Light, Fish, Super, Chart

Star (starlight, starfish, superstar, star-chart)

A3, Flower, Head, Bug, Water

Bed (flowerbed, bed-head, bedbug, waterbed)

A4, Hat, Swallow, Knocks, Up

Hard (hard hat, hard to swallow, school of hard knocks, to be hard up)


Rock (rock and roll, rock star, bedrock, hard rock)

B1, Maker, Strike, Perfect, Stick

Match (match maker, strike a match, a perfect match, matchstick)

B2, Fun, Riot, Rampant, Ragged

Run (fun-run, to run riot, to run rampant, to run ragged)

B3, Over, Down, Free, Flat

Fall (fall over yourself to..., downfall, free-fall, to fall flat on your face)

B4, Mouth, Phone, Cookie, Street

Smart (smart-mouth, smartphone, a smart cookie, to be street-smart)


Out (outmatch, outrun, fallout, outsmart)

C1, Fit, Old, Crow, Foot

Bill (to fit the bill, the old bill, crow-bill, to foot the bill) - credit M Oehm (I didn't know of a crow-bill)

C2, Brass, Tip, Tail, Notch

Top (top brass, tiptop, top and tail, top-notch)

C3, Hound, Hair, Area, Matter

Grey (greyhound, grey hair, a grey area, grey matter)

C4, Pound, Effect, Wave, Board

Sound (sound as a pound, sound-effect, sound wave, soundboard)


Dollar (dollar bill, top-dollar, the grey dollar, sound as a dollar)

D1, Sell, Mine, Paid, Writer

Under (undersell, undermine, underpaid, underwriter)

D2, Fine, Class, Work, State

Art (fine-art, art class, artwork, state of the art)

D3, Desk, Seat, Stuff, Rod

Hot (hot-desk, hot-seat, hot stuff, hotrod)

D4, Back, Nerve, Grudge, Breath

Hold (don't hold back, hold your nerve, hold a grudge, hold your breath)


Line (underline, line art, hotline, please hold the line)


Bottom (hit rock bottom, to bottom out, bet your bottom dollar, the bottom line)
- which is an antonym of the answer to clue web #1!

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