Wednesday, November 2, 2016

electromagnetism - Are there new concepts for the explanation of the wave-particle duality?

Whenever we can observe photons immediate, they are particles. That includes that photons have a inner structure with periodically varying electric and magnetic fields. The EM field of a radio antenna exists because this field consists a lot of photons with their periodically changing EM components. Whenever we observe statistical manifestation of interaction between photons and certain physical states (most of them based on diffraction) we interpret the fringes on a screen as waves manifestation of particles. And at the same moment we always emphasize that these states are not observable. It's an interpretation of what we see. To interpret the fringes as a result of the interaction between photons (or electrons, ...) and the EM field of certain physical states is not common but has some charme. No more need in interference of an electron (or photon) with itself in the single particle experiments. No more sentences like "we can mathematically write down but not describe what happens".

Yes we always describe that photons interfer EM fields (static between condenser plates or in interaction with other particles or especially with other photons (photon bunching)) but we don't articulate that. We repeat what physicists understood 90 years ago. We came to QED and work with the quantization of fields but our verbal expression is from 1920.

Are there new concepts for the explanation of the wave-particle duality?


@anna v: It's not an answer but it's to long for comments. I could not stick together some facts.

1st: "The electromagnetic wave is composed by a huge number of photons." with what I fully agree. But the following sentence "They (photons) do not carry explicitly electric or magnetic fields." I could not stick to the first. Why? How a radio wave could be a EM field without the photons are having a EM field? There is a huge difference between radio waves and photons EM wave. Electrons will be accelerated in the antenna rod and they emit photons. Electrons are doing this more or less synchronous with the AC from the antenna generator. That is the reason of the radio wave with its amplitude (depends only from the rod length) and its frequency (depends from the generator and more or less from the rod length). Some evidence for this is the fact that the receiver not at all needs an antenna with the amplitudes length of the emitter. It's enough to use some tiny piece of conductor that will be hit by a small stream of photons.

2nd: Electrons in the antenna in total are accelerated parallel to the antennas rod. The resulting magnetic field is perpendicular to the rod and the resulting electric field (except the rods end) is again parallel to the rod. This situation changes rapidly. There is some divergence of the radio wave. Does it come it from the interaction of the photons or better to say from the EM fields of the photons?

3rd: What makes the change between the nearfield radio wave with it shift difference of 90° between electric and magnetic component and the farfield without this difference? Are the single photons are responsible for this state?

4th: What about the bouncing (I couldn't find at the moment the right word, it sounds like what I wrote) of photons from far away stars? Two photons are traveling together. How they can do this without interaction of their EM fields?

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