Friday, October 27, 2017

calculation puzzle - "Magic: the Gathering" Challenge #2: Two Peas in a Pod

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Here's a puzzle for Magic: the Gathering players out there. I feel that this puzzle is in the scope of the site, and is no different than other puzzles, e.g. chess, which require knowledge of the parameters of a game in order to solve. I'm adding the MtG tag since I hope to do more of these in the future. I've linked to cards so that you don't have to go look them up yourself. For those interested in learning the rules of Magic, see here and here.

I've tried to ensure that there is only one correct answer, but there are so many permutations, I may have missed one. Please don't post an answer unless it's distinct i.e. isn't just another answer but with mana tapped slightly differently or two spells cast in swapped orders if it doesn't affect the outcome. If I missed something, and there are multiple distinct solutions, I will accept the one that gets the most damage through. Your solution cannot involve opponent's cooperation (e.g. they choose not to block any of your creatures) in other words, it must be a guaranteed win regardless of what your opponent can do.

It is Main Phase 1 of your turn. You have played your land for the turn. No cards have been put into either graveyard so far this turn. Defeat your opponent during this turn (before end of cleanup step). Provide the sequence of spells/game actions that you take to achieve the goal. Please be specific about mana usage / land tapping (feel free to keep a count of mana between steps)

Your hand:


Your board (all untapped):

Birthing Pod
Voltaic Key
Kiora's Follower (no summoning sickness)

1 Forest, 6 Plains

1 life

Your graveyard:

Deceiver Exarch
Seismic Elemental
Storm Crow

Your opponent's hand:


Your opponent's board (all untapped):

3 copies of Morkrut Banshee

Your opponent's graveyard:

Grave Titan

Original Stipulation: 9 life

I actually missed a line that leads to being able to do 20 damage!
New Stipulation: 20 life!

Your Library:

Blade Splicer
Fire Imp
Goblin Chieftain
Hellraiser Goblin
Wood Elves

Avalanche Riders
Flametongue Kavu
Hero of Bladehold
Hero of Oxid Ridge
Huntmaster of the Fells
Obstinate Baloth
Karmic Guide
Morkrut Banshee

Puppeteer Clique
Laquatus's Champion
Massacre Wurm
Sun Titan
Twilight Shepherd
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
Craterhoof Behemoth


  • Tap Forest, float a green.

  • Kiora's Followers Activate targeting Forest.

  • Tap Plains, use floating green to pod Kiora’s Followers - > Pestermite

  • Pestermite trigger targetting Birthing Pod

  • 1 Forest 5 Plains 1 Life

  • Tap Forest and Plains, pod Pestermite - > Obstinate Baloth

  • 4 Plains 5 Life

  • Voltaic Key targetting Birthing Pod

  • 3 Plains 5 Life

  • Tap plains, pay 2 life, pod Obstinate Baloth - > Karmic Guide

  • Karmic Guide Returns Deceiver Exarch to play.

  • Deceiver Exarch trigger targetting Birthing Pod

  • 2 Plains 3 Life

  • Tap plains, pay 2 life, pod Karmic Guide - > Twilight Shepherd

  • Cast Pestermite from Twilight Shepherd and target Birthing Pod.

  • Cast Obstinate Baloth and Kiora’s Followers, both returned from Twilight Shepherd.

  • Cast Karmic Guide returned from Twilight Shepherd, which reanimates Seismic Elemental

  • 1 plains, 5 life

  • Tap plains, pay 2 life, pod Kiora’s Followers - > Hellraiser Goblin

  • Swing 2/1 flyer (Pestermite), 2/1 flyer (Karmic Guide), 4/4 (Seismic Elemental, 5/5 flyer (Twilight Shepherd), 4/4 (Obstinate Baloth), 2/2 (Hell Raiser Goblin), 1/4 (Deceiver Exarch), all unable to be blocked due to seismic elemental's trigger.

    2 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 20 Damage

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