Tuesday, October 17, 2017

word - A Different Kind of Teapot Riddle

As the title says this is going to be a riddle similar to a teapot but a bit different. As with the teapot riddles I have a word that has 2 or more meanings. The twist is you are going to be given two different, but related teapots and have to decipher the teapot of theirs that are related. Sorry if there is any confusion I think it will make more sense once you look at the riddle. I will do my best to answer any questions and as always good luck!

The first word's first teapot is an act of respect.

The second word's first teapot is a tremble of fear.

What is each word's teapot that relate to one another?

More teapots for each word will be added if needed.


The act of respect is


And another word for tremble is


These are related because

A quiver holds arrows, which are shot with the bow.

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