Thursday, October 12, 2017

word - A riddle of two groups

I tried to join two different groups from very different towns
I was sure that one would let me in but both have turned me down

The first said they already have all personnel they need
they didn't seem to care that I adhere to their creed

"The five of us can manage without another in the mix
In any case you belong elsewhere in a different gang of six!"
But when I tried to join the other group of which they spoke
their members viewed my presence as if it were a joke

The first group were convinced that this was where I would belong
but the second group insisted that they must have heard me wrong
I don't fit in the sextet or the previous quintet
I must belong to something, have you figured it out yet?

What am I?
Who are the two groups?
And why don't I belong in either of them?


I'd like to say

"Y" or "Why", with the first group being the vowels, as it is sometimes considered a vowel. However the vowels misheard it as "Why" sending him to the group containing "Who, What, Where, When, Why, How"? (I don't know if this is officially a group, I just learnt them as "the 5Ws and How" summarising almost all questions :p)

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