Thursday, October 26, 2017

enigmatic puzzle - No Pun Intended

Part of the Fortnightly Topic Challenge #35: Restricted Title 1

  • This TV program has quite a diverse set of actors.

  • You're packed to go so soon?

  • There's nothing in the afterlife except darkness and complete silence.

  • Here, let me show what I got you for your birthday now.

  • Ughhhhh, my bracket's going to lose for sure. How was I supposed to know the 13th seed was going to beat the 4th seed?

  • Fatphobic people are so intolerant.

  • Most kids just look at a phone UI all day now, no one has a person to person conversation anymore!

  • The full book Gadsby is totally lipogrammatic, What an original vision.

  • Ulysses S. Grant won the war predominantly due to being more aggressive than the opposition.

  • Whiteboards are amazing!

  • Carve "Rest In Peace" into it, please.

  • The people here's addition skills suck; They're accidentally marking down the price by 25%!

  • Knowing calculus is really important for college.

  • The new iphone is so different! I can't wait to trade in my old one.

  • Most of systems programmings jobs is just looking stuff up on the web.

  • The person who used to be my brother works as a conductor.

  • The bowling ball hits all the pins down.

BTW, the final answer is one word, not three.


Community wikified my answer, and added the various puns from the other ones. To see which answer was from where, see noedne's and Riley's answers; the rest were from mine.

This TV program has quite a diverse set of actors.


You're packed to go so soon?

Already (All ready)

There's nothing in the afterlife except darkness and complete silence.

Death (Deaf)

Here, let me show what I got you for your birthday now.


Ughhhhh, my bracket's going to lose for sure. How was I supposed to know the 13th seed was going to beat the 4th seed?


Fatphobic people are so intolerant.


Most kids just look at a phone UI all day now, no one has a person to person conversation anymore!


The full book Gadsby is totally lipogrammatic, What an original vision.


Ulysses S. Grant won the war predominantly due to being more aggressive than the opposition.

Generally (General Lee)

Whiteboards are amazing!


Carve "Rest In Peace" into it, please.

Engrave (In grave)

The people here's addition skills suck; They're accidentally marking down the price by 25%!


Knowing calculus is really important for college.


The new iphone is so different! I can't wait to trade in my old one.

Exchange (X-change)

Most of systems programmings jobs is just looking stuff up on the web.


The person who used to be my brother works as a conductor.

Transistor (Trans sister)

The bowling ball hits all the pins down.


Collecting the first letter from each solution, we get


Which tells us to


yielding, courtesy of ManyPinkHats,


which is appropriate because

the puzzle is in amusing conflict with its title.

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