Sunday, October 22, 2017

riddle - The egocentric one

Here is the next one for you. I recommend using a list for this.
Oh, almost forgot to tell you that it's freaking easy. Have fun!

Even if tiny I call you tall

The first two lines contain no hint at all

For sure I'm egocentric
You mean nothing to me
So the best choice seems a third person to be

Make him steal what surrounds
the guy behind the screen you
Find one more glue
and my full name can be seen

If you want to check your answer this might help. The cat in the manger may misuse this as a hint.

Read on with prudence
and drop the penny

Some say I'm one, I say I'm many


It is a:



The first two lines contain no hint at all

This is true.

For sure I'm egocentric You mean nothing to me

All things are said from the perspective of the riddle.

So the best choice seems a third person to be

am, are, is

Make him steal what surrounds the guy behind the screen

"you" is the "guy behind the screen". In the preface there is a "you" surrounded with "tell you that". We take lt.
+ I call you tall, "freaking easy"

Find one more glue

We paste what we've got together.

and my full name can be seen


Read on with prudence and drop the penny

Artistic license.

Some say I'm one, I say I'm many

A list is actually a collection of items. We refer to a list, but really we refer to the many items of the list. It may also be a play on the similarity of the singular and plural of "list"/"lists".

"I recommend using a list for this"

Lynch mob, anyone?

By the way, "List" in German means "Trick" or "Cunning" (avigrail - the author - is German).

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