Thursday, October 26, 2017

mathematics - Write a true self-reflective statement about the digits from 0 to 9 (or prove it can't be done)

This statement contains 3 0's, 1 1, 4 2's, 1 3, 5 4's 92 5's, 6 6's, 53 7's, 58 8's, and 9 9's.

Clearly that statement is incorrect. It only has 1 occurrence of the character "0", not 3; and there are definitely not 92 instances of "5".

Can you rewrite it to make it true? You still must follow the same format, giving the exact number of times each digit has appeared in the statement.

Specifically your statement must be in the format: This statement contains A 0's, B 1, C 2's, D 3, E 4's F 5's, G 6's, H 7's, I 8's, and J 9's., where A is the number of 0's, B is the number of 1's, etc. The number of 1's (or any digit) includes the 1 needed for B 1's.

If not can you prove that this is impossible?


Here we go:

This statement contains 1 0's, 7 1's, 3 2's, 2 3's, 1 4's, 1 5's, 1 6's, 2 7's, 1 8's, and 1 9's.

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