Saturday, March 3, 2018

rhyme - A Message for the Solver!

Stealth mode is

 always turned on
The place

 where I come from

 looks genuine in here
Great things 

are being taken care

Another message 

waits for you my friend
Nice little gaps have a compliment
 to send
Only the things you

 see are irrelevant, I say so
Giving up is not
 an option though
Rare codes preserves

 a message for you to solve

 this one will definitely help you evolve
Please come back when you

 need me
Here I 

am waiting with the key
Yes, the key is right here. Wait until you see -=

Hey, I just left you a nice message. Can you find it?

(Note-It's not too obvious !)


The secret message is:


Taking the first letters of each paragraph you find the hint:


Looking for something between the lines...

Copying and pasting the message into a text editor like notepad++ you can see some special characters (line separators or paragraph separators) for each line in the text. Interpreting them line separators as dashes and paragraph separators as dots and dashes you obtain the following code: -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / --. . -. .. ..- ... which translated using Morse Code gives the intended (at least I hope so!) solution!

OP Edit

The riddle talks about Steganography and rare codes(Unique codes - UNICODE) inside the gaps(spaces) Using a simple Unicode decoder we get -

Stealth mode isU+2028 U+2029 U+2028 U+2028 always turned on
The placeU+2028 U+2028 U+2028 where I come from
EverythingU+2029 U+2029 U+2028 looks genuine in here
Great things U+2029 U+2028are being taken care

Another message U+2029 U+2028 U+2029waits for you my friend
Nice little gaps have a complimentU+2029 to send
Only the things youU+2028 U+2028 U+2029 see are irrelevant, I say so
Giving up is notU+2029 an option though
Rare codes preservesU+2028 U+2029 a message for you to solve
AndU+2029 U+2029 this one will definitely help you evolve
Please come back when youU+2029 U+2029 U+2028 need me
Here I U+2029 U+2029 U+2029am waiting with the key
Yes, the key is right here. Wait until you see -=U+2028.=U+2029

The riddle says, the things you see is not relevant also the last line says the key is -=U+2028 and .=U+2029
Hence, we get the message above :-)

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