Saturday, July 14, 2018

riddle - Who am I, if not Lewisoff?

I'll help you get across a river.
Once unrecognised in Fischer's song,
Later I found fame alone
And also as a US state.

Who am I?

Hint 1:

Concentrate on lines 1, 3, and 4. Line 2 and the title should be used only as checks to ensure your answer is right. They're there to make sure the answer is unique, and the way they fit it is rather twisted (but should become clear once you have the right idea).

Hint 2:

The answer is not actually a US state.

To be accepted, an answer must explain all lines including the title. But any serious attempt at a solution will get an upvote from me.


You are:


I'll help you get across a river.

There are a few things that do this... a bridge, a ford, a boat, a raft, Charon.

Once unrecognised in Fischer's song,

Ford was uncredited on a film called: "Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round". Wild Man Fischer's most famous song is called Merry Go Round.

Later I found fame alone

ALONE -> SOLO. Han Solo was played by Harrison Ford.

And also as a US state.

Indiana Jones is one of Ford's main sources of fame.

The title:

If you are not Lewis-off... maybe you are Harris-on :)

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