Friday, December 27, 2019

lateral thinking - Where do all the doors lead to?

You are walking in a hallway and find a door. You decide to enter the room. The door closes behind you, the room suddenly becomes dark and starts spinning. You fall on the floor in the middle of the room, totally disoriented. You have no idea which way you came from. The light is back on.

There are four doors - one at each side:





Where do all the doors lead to? Which one would you choose and why?

Note: Excuse my poor drawing skills.

PS. Due to my poor drawing skills, I decided to change the second image. Hopefully, it is less confusing now.


Since the 4 different puzzle parts were solved by 4 different people, I am adding this community wiki answer with links to their answers as they should be the ones receiving upvotes:

Door 1 was solved by March Ho:

1666 - The Great Fire of London

In March Ho's own words:

Since Door 1 is the only unsolved door, here is my guess:

The Devil refers to the Number of the Beast (usually quoted as 666).

The Great Fire of London occurred in the year 1666, which is linked to the red colour due to the fire.

Additional details:

Hell usually is associated with fire. In addition, the devil is smiling, so he probably feels at home wherever this place is. Thus, additional hints for the fire. Also, by pure coincidence, if you write 666 and fire in Google, one of the first suggestions is the Great fire in London, 1666.

Door 2 was solved by Yandrakus:

1812 - Napoleon's invasion of Russia

In Yandrakis' own words:

Could be that Door nÂș2 leads to...
Napoleonic invasion to Russia


The time on the clock is set at 18:12 (I think), and the symbol (asterisk) depicted on the door is related to a snow flake. Napoleon tried to invade Russia during winter and this was one of his biggest mistakes in his military career.

Additional details:

The light blue color of the door is intentional - to represent ice, snow, winter.

Door 3 was solved by Radoslav Hristov:

2016 - the present

In Radoslav Hristov's own words:

3rd door:

It is a whole number 5776 and refers to "The year of Light" a.k.a. "Beginning of the End of Time". Further on the same: according to the 2016 a.d. actually is anno lucis, or year of light 2016, i.e. the current year!

Additional details:

It was only natural that there would be a door leading to back where we came from (the hallway, presumably the present). The yellow color is not intentional and does not have hidden meaning.

Door 4 was solved by Gareth McCaughan:

1773 - The Boston Tea Party

In Gareth McCaughan's own words:

I think the fourth door might possibly be

pointing to tea, or perhaps more specifically to the Boston Tea Party.

The quotation

is from Psalm 73 verse 17, perhaps suggesting the year 1773

and the plant on the door

seems like it might plausibly be a tea plant.

Additional notes:

The orange color of the door and the brownish color of the text actually resemble the color of the drink itself (tea). The leaf is indeed a tea leaf.

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