Tuesday, December 24, 2019

quantum mechanics - Do measurements of time-scales for decoherence disprove some versions of Copenhagen or MWI?

Do measurements of time-scales for decoherence disprove some versions of Copenhagen or MWI?

Since these discussions of interpretations of quantum mechanics often shed more heat than light, I want to state some clear definitions.

standard qm = linearity; observables are self-adjoint operators; wavefunction evolves unitarily; complete sets of observables exist

MWI-lite = synonym for standard qm

MWI-heavy = standard qm plus various statements about worlds and branching

CI = standard qm plus an additional axiom describing a nonunitary collapse process associated with observation

Many people who have formulated or espoused MWI-heavy or CI seem to have made statements that branching or collapse would be an instantaneous process. (Everett and von Neumann seem to have subscribed to this.) In this case, MWI-heavy and CI would be vulnerable to falsification if it could be proved that the relevant process was not instantaneous.

Decoherence makes specific predictions about time scales. Are there experiments verifying predictions of the time-scale for decoherence that could be interpreted as falsifying MWI-heavy and CI (or at least some versions thereof)?

I'm open to well-reasoned answers that cite recent work and argue, e.g., that MWI-heavy and MWI-lite are the same except for irrelevant verbal connotations, or that processes like branching and collapse are inherently unobservable and therefore statements about their instantaneous nature are not empirically testable. It seems possible to me that the instantaneousness is:

  • not empirically testable even in principle.

  • untestable for all practical purposes (FAPP).

  • testable, but only with technologies that date to ca. 1980 or later.

An example somewhat along these lines is an experiment by Lee at al. ("Generation of room-temperature entanglement in diamond with broadband pulses", can be found by googling) in which they put two macroscopic diamond crystals in an entangled state and then detected the entanglement (including phase) in 0.5 ps, which was shorter than the 7 ps decoherence time. This has been interpreted by Belli et al. as ruling out part of the parameter space for objective collapse models. If the coherence times were made longer (e.g., through the use of lower temperatures), then an experiment of this type could rule out the parameters of what is apparently the most popular viable version of this type of theory, GRW. Although this question isn't about objective collapse models, this is the same sort of general thing I'm interested in: using decoherence time-scales to rule out interpretations of quantum mechanics.


I am not aware of any experimental evidence, so this probably does not qualify as an answer. However I can offer a reference that addresses this question theoretically:

  • Armen E. Allahverdyan, Roger Balian, Theo M. Nieuwenhuizen (2011) Understanding quantum measurement from the solution of dynamical models, https://arxiv.org/abs/1107.2138

and by the same group, but more recently:

Essentially they do what the OP describes in the question. They take a dynamical model of a macroscopic system and solve its unitary evolution within the Schrödinger equation. Then they try to look if some "measurement-like structure" emerges just from the many-body dynamics, without collapse.

There is one main difference to decorence, where usually only a system and an environment is considered (e.g. the Leggett-Caldeira model, also cf. wiki article on quantum dissipation). In the work mentioned above, a macroscopic system that mimics a detector is included. Like the environment this is also a macroscopic system, but unlike the environment it has some special properties that allow it to record information. In the first paper this is done by considering a ferro-magnet, whose spontaneous symmetry breaking allows it to have a macroscopic polarization, which is essentially a deterministic property after equilibration (simply because the flip probability is very low).

As far as I am aware this is far from a solution to the measurement problem, some open issues are mentioned in the articles themselves. At least it goes into the right direction however, especially it starts addressing the question of measurement timescales, which can maybe also pave the way for experimental investigations thereof.

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