Friday, December 27, 2019

wordplay - Alternating Audio Waves

Try solving this cipher from these strange memos:

Memo 1

Welcome Comet, today's Thisbe plus Russell here!

Memo 2

Reading outlaws loudness.

Memo 3

Retro memo: Berlin today upheld voting thesis, "Putin Salutes". Thanks be to God. U

P.S. The same algorithm is used on all memos

Enjoy ;)



This is the largest evidence


The gimmick

The title offers a fairly large hint: "Alternating Audio Waves" suggests that this could be a pronunciation puzzle. But what could alternating mean? Perhaps we should take every other syllable in each word.


Memo 1: Welcome Comet, today's Thisbe plus Russell here!
Wel-come Com-et, to-days, this-bee, plus, rus-sell, here
Taking every other syllable gives: "Wel-com-to-this-plus-sell" which approximately sounds like "Welcome to this puzzle".

Memo 2: Reading outlaws loudness.
Read-ing out-laws loud-ness
Every other syllable gives "Read out loud"

Memo 3: Retro memo: Berlin today upheld voting thesis, "Putin Salutes". Thanks be to God. U
Re-tro mem-oh Ber-lin to-day up-held vot-ing the-sis pu-tin sal-utes thanks be to god u
Every other syllable gives "Re-mem-ber to up-vot the pu-sal thanks to u" or "Remember to upvote the puzzle, thanks to you"

I'm not sure what the hint means though.

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