Friday, October 6, 2017

mazes - Deusovi Honeypot

Looks like the community has spoken.

With a heavy heart (as if), I have trapped @Deusovi behind a never repeating, fractally recursive, infinite, unsolvable labyrinth. To keep him busy, I added a couple of teleports.

enter image description here

The green part of the maze contains a copy of the maze, scaled down so that it exactly fits.

A teleport is connected to every teleport of the same size. And yes. A scaled down "big teleport" is exactly the same size as a "small teleport".

Fun facts about this puzzle:

  • The angle of the scaled-down copy is an irrational part of $\pi$, so the angle will never repeat.

  • There are almost no dead ends. There are infinitely many distinct infinitely long mistake paths.

  • There is no solution.

  • .. OR IS THERE?

  • ..No.

  • Seriously. Don't try to solve this puzzle.

  • Unless you are Deusovi, of course.


For full meta effect, I should beat Deusovi to the answer before he sees this puzzle ... :->

$\def\G #1{\color{lime}{\text{#1}}}$ $\def\R #1{\color{red}{\text{#1}}}$ $\def\B #1{\color{blue}{\text{#1}}}$

This puzzle can actually be analysed quite rigorously ...

annotated image

Let $A_n,B_n,C_n,X_n,Y_n,Z_n$ be the six entrances/exits to the $n$th largest triangle. Thus, in this image, the labelled gaps are $A_1,X_1$, etc. and the gaps on the green triangle are $A_2,X_2$, etc. Because the maze is fractal, $n$ can range from 1 to infinity.

  • $\G{Entering}$ $\G{the}$ $\G{$n$th}$ $\G{largest}$ $\G{triangle}$ $\G{at}$ $\G{$B_n$}$ $\G{or}$ $\G{$C_n$}$ is equivalent, since the two are connected by the maze. Via the small teleport circles, they're also $\R{connected}$ $\R{to}$ $\R{$A_n$}$ $\R{and}$ $\R{$X_{n+1}$}$ $\R{and}$ $\R{$Z_{n+1}$}$, $\B{and}$ $\B{to}$ $\B{$Y_{n+1}$}$. Via the large teleport circles within the $(n+1)$th largest triangle, they're also connected to $\R{$X_{n+1}$}$ $\R{and}$ $\R{$Y_{n+1}$}$, $\G{$Z_{n+1}$}$ $\G{and}$ $\G{$C_{n+2}$}$, and $\B{$A_{n+2}$}$ and $\B{$B_{n+2}$}$ (see second image below - note that both images can be clicked for full-size versions).

    routes 1

  • $\R{Entering}$ $\R{the}$ $\R{$n$th}$ $\R{largest}$ $\R{triangle}$ $\R{at}$ $\R{$X_n$}$ $\R{or}$ $\R{$Y_n$}$ is equivalent, since the two are connected by the maze. Via the large teleport circles, they're also $\G{connected}$ $\G{to}$ $\G{$Z_n$}$ $\G{and}$ $\G{$C_{n+1}$}$, $\B{and}$ $\B{to}$ $\B{$A_{n+1}$}$ $\B{and}$ $\B{$B_{n+1}$}$.

    routes 2

Summarising: we can get from the $A,B,C$ entrances in one triangle to the $X,Y,Z$ ones in the next smallest triangle, and vice versa. Deusovi starts off with access to $A_1,B_1,C_1$, so he can reach the entrances/exits $A_{2n+1},B_{2n+1},C_{2n+1}$ and $X_{2n},Y_{2n},Z_{2n}$ for all $n$, but - crucially - he cannot reach $X_1,Y_1,Z_1$. So your design is excellent and he is doomed to wander forever. Have an upvote!

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