Friday, July 13, 2018

classical mechanics - Virtual displacement

Currently I am reading Classical Dynamics written by Donald Greenwood. I have a doubt in the section discussing about virtual displacement. As far as I understood, Virtual displacement (virtual or imaginary) is an infinitesimal change in the configuration of the system which conforms to any instantaneous constraints and forces of the system.

enter image description here

On the left hand side of the page, it is given that the condition for $\delta{x}$ be replaced by $dx$ is that the constraint equation has to be holonomic, but my actual question is from my understanding, virtual displacement is not actual displacement then how can one replace $\delta{x}$ by $dx$ when the contraint is holonomic. It doesn't mean like virtual displacement is same as actual displacement when constraint is holonomic? Or did I understood the concept wrongly?

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