Friday, November 16, 2018

calculation puzzle - Fuzzy's Fizzy Dilemma

Fuzzy the Fuzzball's friends was going to the Fuzzball Festival, and of course he went along. While there, he saw the most curious display.

The booth was displaying brand new types of Fuzz. There was Sparkly Fuzz to attract attention, Smelly Fuzz to keep people away, and Soda Fuzz which looked somewhat like a shaken seltzer bottle.

But the most popular type of Fuzz was a brand new brand, called Fizzy Fuzz. The Fuzz started off as the most wonderfully Fuzzy Fuzz of all. But moment by moment, the Fuzz would fizz off and disappear, at the rate of one Planck length per Jiffy.

Fuzzy was captivated. He dug out his life savings and made the brilliant investment in Fizzy Fuzz. Soon, this 2.3456" inch diameter sphere was covered a Planck length deep in brilliant Fizzy Fuzz.

How long will it be till Fuzzy the Fuzzball is, once again, Fuzz-less?


Of course it will take

2.3456 in * 1 Jiffy / 1 Planck length

Which is about

3.6862513*10^33 Jiffies.

That's some very durable Fizzy Fuzz right there

EDIT: If the covering is 1 Planck length then it'll take

Precisely 1 jiffy

until he's fuzzless.

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