Monday, November 12, 2018

chess - The Torn Score Sheet- #2

I really enjoyed the reaction to my previous puzzle, The Torn Score Sheet, and I'd like to do another one. This one's a little shorter and easier, and once again it's White's moves only. Good luck!

  1. e4

  2. d4

  3. Qxd4

  4. Bc4

  5. Bxe6

  6. Qxc5+

  7. Qd5+

  8. Qe5#

Good luck!


I think it’s

1. e4 Nc6
2. d4 Nxd4
3. Qxd4 e6
4. Bc4 Ke7
5. Bxe6 c5

6. Qxc5+ Kxe6
7. Qd5+ Ke7
8. Qe5#

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