Tuesday, November 27, 2018

quantum field theory - Representations of the Poincare group

Which type of states carry the irreducible unitary representations of the Poincare group? Multi-particle states or Single-particle states?


Essentially by definition (due to Wigner), one-particle Hilbert spaces of elementary particles support unitary strongly continuous irreducible representations of Poincaré group.

Conversely, any multi-particle Hilbert space, with either fixed or undefined number of particles either identical or distinguishable, cannot be irreducible under the action of the associated representation of Poincaré group.

Proof. A multi-particle representation is the tensor product of the representations in each factor one-particle subspace. If $P_\mu$ denotes the total four-momentum operator of the system of particles, the bounded unitary operator $e^{i a P_\mu P^\mu}$ ($a\in \mathbb R$) commutes with all the unitary operators of the tensor representations and it is not proportional to the identity operator (as it instead happens for a one-particle space). In view of Schur's lemma the representation cannot be irreducible.

An invariant closed subspace is, evidently, the subspace of state vectors where the squared mass $M^2= P_\mu P^\mu$ assumes values (in the sense of spectral decomposition) inside a fixed interval $[a,b]$.

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