Monday, November 26, 2018

word - Captain Pun's new boat

My good friend Captain Pun has bought a new boat.

"And this is a picture of its sail!" he said, showing me this:

enter image description here "Solve the nonogram and you'll soon know what type of boat it is!"

Can you solve the two-colour nonogram to help me work out what type of boat he bought?

This puzzle can be solved without guessing. Note that cells filled with different colours do not necessarily need to have a gap between them. Numbers marked in bold are red, while those in normal weight are blue.


Finished nonogram:

enter image description here

These are

The flags of Finland, Laos, Austria, Georgia, Somalia, Honduras, Iceland and Peru.

Meaning the captain's new boat is literally a

FLAGSHIP, as spelt by the first letters of the country names.

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