Tuesday, November 20, 2018

riddle - Every second is a waste of time

Ok, as you might have expected I secretly implemented 
many hints for you. This time I want you to answer with this:

a unique, selfmade picture with nothing else but the
solution on it. Please use colors with contrast to the
background color (for obvious reasons, I appreciate).

But first you should put your smart phone away and read!
Go ahead and look for the incredibly well hidden
connection between the hints. Give me a detailed and plain
description of it and you will, I am absolutely sure,
be the winner! I can't wait to see how you guys try to

find the final clue to this, of course, very easy riddle.

Good luck ladies and gentlemen.
For sure, this is the easiest riddle I have ever seen!

The Doll, the Owl, the Dwarf and the Bear
standing on a cabinet they were

Looking down on their cruel fate
they already hung their heads
You will try to kill them all
but one will elude your threats

They cannot see who'll be the one

they are as far as can be
But maybe you can tell them soon
so they can die peacefully

Oh! You just found a mirror on the cabinet.




Who avoids our threats.

There was something hidden in the:

Markup... a mirror (take a look)

If you:

Reflect all the names of the stuffed animals, the Doll is the only one who isn't "killed". This means that "Doll" is the only words that isn't mangled when you reflect the name on the horizontal axis.

Let's analyse the clues further:

The title is "Every second is a waste of time".

Read every second line of the preface:

Ok, as you might have expected I secretly implemented
a unique, selfmade picture with nothing else but the
background color (for obvious reasons, I appreciate).
Go ahead and look for the incredibly well hidden
description of it and you will, I am absolutely sure,
find the final clue to this, of course, very easy riddle.

For sure, this is the easiest riddle I have ever seen!

courtesy of rand al'thor

The last line of the secret message is just avigrail being infuriating ( :-) ), but the rest gives us a new message. Now

click on the button to edit the question - look into HTML/Markdown,

and we find, as expected,

a link to a picture with nothing else but the background colour,

but also

a hidden message saying "Oh! You just found a mirror on the cabinet."

Now the clues themselves:

The Doll, the Owl, the Dwarf and the Bear

These are main objects of the riddle. It seems clear that they will be significant

standing on a cabinet they were

They are all lined up together

Looking down on their cruel fate. they already hung their heads

They are all "looking down" - i.e. in the same direction. This is the signal for horizontal reflection.

You will try to kill them all but one will elude your threats

You will mangle them somehow (seems obvious since we have a mirror). BUT "one will elude our threats" (how mysterious). This refers to the fact that "Doll" is the only one of the 4 names of the toys that isn't mangled by the mirror reflection.

They cannot see who'll be the one
they are as far as can be
But maybe you can tell them soon
so they can die peacefully

This is just a poetic way to emphatically signal that the final answer will be one of the animals - i.e. that is what we are supposed to identify.

Let the cyanide lift :D

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